7 Proven Ways for Increasing Organic Traffic of Your Webpage

8 proven ways for increasing organic traffic in 2023
Pandit Ashok

Getting to the top of Google and getting tons of traffic from search engines is a dream of every business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving the performance of your website with a better user experience for enhanced search results and increased traffic.

In this post, you are going to learn 7 proven methods to increase traffic to your website. 

If you understand and implement these techniques, we guarantee you will see long-term and vital improvements in the organic traffic on your website. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start!

What is Organic Traffic?

Organic traffic is the amount of traffic to your website for which you didn’t pay for. This traffic is obtained from search engines naturally. When a user enters a search query in search engines like Google, Yandex, and Bing, the search engine displays a list of relevant websites in response. If the user clicks on one of the results, he will land on the website. It is considered as organic traffic. 

Every business owner wants high organic traffic because it is free and indicates the website content is valuable and relevant to users. 

7 proven methods to increase organic traffic of your webpage

1. Identify your website’s good and bad links

In recent years, backlinks have been an essential element of SEO. You can compete with the most authoritative sites in your industry by building or getting backlinks. This doesn’t mean you should focus on getting backlinks only.

You also need to maintain a good backlink profile. This would help you compete with the authoritative website of the industry along with maintaining and improving organic traffic to your website. This can be done through a regular backlink audit which would help you filter your website’s good links. 

Tools like ahrefs, Google Search Console, etc. come to your rescue for this matter. These tools help you check the sources of the backlinks, which is essential to identify your website’s good and bad links.

Usually, paid links, links from spammy or low-quality, low-quality websites, and irrelevant websites are considered bad links. At the same time, links from authoritative websites, natural and organic links, links from diverse link sources, editorial links, and relevant websites are considered as good links. 

Read also: Discover the 7 Best AI SEO Tools for Small Businesses in 2025

2. Develop content based on target keyword research

Developing content based on target keyword research is the foundation of Search Engine Optimization( SEO). It ensures the creation of content that matches the specific keywords searched by the users while looking for the information in the search engine. 

The main goal is to make the content visible to the target audience through search engines, ultimately driving traffic to your website. 

3. Leverage Topic Clusters 

Topic clusters are a collection of content that focuses on categories of content that is related to a specific topic.

Content collections are a great way to help Google understand how your content is structured and described. By following the technique of topic clusters, you will be on your way to building your successful profile in the eye of Google. 

Instead of just searching pages for a keyword related to the topic of your specific blog post, Google is now searching for similar keywords, topics, and answers to common questions. If you can organize the topic clusters on your website, google displays your page for related search terms. 

It helps in boosting organic traffic to your website.

4. Assess your website’s current health and performance

Assessing the website’s current health and performance ensures your strong online presence. It involves evaluating various SEO factors, like your webpage’s on-page, off-page, and technical SEO. 

It ensures your website is relevant to what you are trying to promote and meets the needs of both users and search engines. Regular assessment of your website’s health and performance allows you to take proactive actions to solve any issues before they appear on the search engine. It can be a game changer and protect your website from penalties. 

Maintaining your website’s health and performance improves user experience, enhances your ranking, and helps to make your website effective and competitive in the dynamic online landscape. These all will help you gain more organic traffic to your website. 

SEM rush helps you to access your website’s health and performance. It sends you email once a month that has everything related to health and performance of the website if you link the website.

5. Answer your user’s questions and problems

If you have an online business, you will receive many questions from your potential, existing, or targeted clients. 

So, instead of giving a short answer to every question in an email, write detailed information based on your users’ concerns. You can create a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page to address such queries about your business and your services. 

Your targeted audience often types similar questions into Google. You may appear in the results if you have information that fully answers this question. It is a great way to generate traffic.

6. Use data and metrics to optimize results

Use tools like Google Analytics to track visitors and obtain data and metrics from your website. You can optimize the website’s content by analyzing data and metrics obtained thereafter.

For example, tools like Google Analytics and Search Console show many industry-related keywords that you can include in your content.

You are ranking on those keywords without any content already. Suppose you start to write content on such keywords. In that case, your ranking on such keywords will improve, resulting in better organic traffic. 

7. Host exclusive content on your website 

Exclusive content often includes unique content you make for a group of the audience as a reward for taking membership or subscribing to your mailing list. Such rewards include free courses, webinars, and many other content relevant to your website or business. 

The advantage of exclusive content is that it helps retain users to your website. It gives people reasons to visit you and your business again and again. 


Organic traffic and SEO is a never-ending process. No matter how much traffic you have and how well you are progressing with your SEO strategy, it would be best if you consistently pay attention to your progress.

Always see how your trades change weekly and analyze what worked best and what didn’t.

Over time, your site will attract backlinks, and all of them should bond whether they are good or bad for your SEO. 

If you apply these 7 proven ways of increasing traffic to your webpage we assure that your organic traffic will boost. If you face any problems or need any help applying these technique contact SEO expert in Nepal. 

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