Top 10 tips to build your Brand Awareness Online.

brand awareness online
Pandit Ashok
May 6, 2020

When you walk to a local tiffin shop or khaja Ghar and order noodles, do you say ‘chau chau banau nus ta’ or Wai Wai khau? Do you say give me Coca-Cola or give me a coke? 

These brands have become so well-known that they’ve replaced generic terms. Brand awareness aims to build your company’s reputation so the customer can recall your name whenever your products or services are discussed.

It is a crucial metric for any business as it determines the level of recognition among potential customers. Brand awareness directly impacts the success of any business. 

An example is that a branded company’s conversion rate is always higher than an unknown company’s. 

What is brand awareness? 

Generally, brand awareness refers to a brand’s popularity. It is an indicator of how well a brand is known among customers. 

Various factors, such as advertising and marketing campaigns, the quality of the product, and peer-to-peer referrals, can influence brand awareness. 

Customers who are aware of a brand in a particular category are likely to think of it when purchasing a product in that category.

Brand awareness can be measured by metrics such as brand recall, which is analyzed by determining the number of people who know your company name when prompted. 

The other method is based on brand recognition, in which we see how many people can identify your brand with a logo or visual clues. Similarly, it can be measured by analyzing the values and contributions associated with the brand, known as a brand association. 

Importance of building brand awareness:

There are billions of competitors on the market

So, building brand awareness provides a unique identity for your firm.

 Relationships with customers are built through the development of a brand’s reputation. You will not only receive a quick return on investment when you maximize brand awareness, but your business will also benefit in the long run. Businesses with strong brands could even survive the recession because everyone trusts them.

A branded business should never engage in viral marketing or buzz marketing. 

(Strong Statement) Whatever they do will be the topic of discussion.

One example of a brand is Apple. 

One of the most important aspects of marketing is online marketing. Therefore, this article provides tips and tricks to help you build brand awareness online. If considered in offline marketing, these things will also help you raise brand awareness offline. 

Tips and Tricks to build brand awareness online

● Defining the brand:

Defining your brand means analyzing your position in the market.

Consumer satisfaction, exceptions, and your ability to fulfill them are all part of it. 

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your brand is essential.

Having such insights helps you move in the right direction.

It helps you work on your areas of weakness and improve your brand image.

● Defining the market

Understanding the market is essential for building a brand online.

Knowing your targeted market helps you understand your consumers’ tastes, likes, and dislikes. 

Seeing the market allows you to provide products that meet your customers’ needs.

It would contribute to building your reputation on the internet.

● Optimizing the website

Optimizing the website improves search visibility.

It drives targeted traffic to your website.

Improved search visibility raises awareness of the business among potential customers and helps to maximize sales. 

Launching Search Engine Optimization is a strong example of this kind.

● Paid marketing

A paid marketing campaign is helpful if you are a newbie in the industry and want to get noticed immediately.

It explores your brand with people interested in your products and services, providing instant results.

 It is further divided into three parts, including social media marketing, search marketing, and display marketing. 

Social Media Marketing helps reach a massive audience with minimal investment.

It enhances brand visibility on the internet.

Social media promotes brand recognition, visibility, and loyalty among targeted and potential customers.

It also promotes sales. 

Analyzing your business’s most effective social media platform is crucial for using social media to your benefit. 

The term search marketing refers to Google ads on search engines’ SERPs that display ads related to relevant keywords.

Advertisers have more control over the ads shown on the SERP. 

Like other forms of marketing, this focuses on targeted audiences with interest and intent to search the internet. 

Display marketing involves paying search engines to show ads on a niche-based website.

It is a native advertisement or a sponsored post.

If you are doing native ads or sponsored posts, you will pay the website owner directly. 

Display marketing promotes ads and referral traffic to your website who are interested in your products and services.

It helps to raise brand awareness of the company.

● Press release Marketing

Press release marketing is the most effective method of reaching a large audience.

It is cost-effective marketing. There are many free and paid press release marketing websites online.

You can approach them to get your business news published on their website.

● Launching video marketing

Video marketing is the most effective marketing method to gain more exposure and visibility online.

Producing videos related to your business helps to make your brand stronger online. 

Video is the most interactive content online.

Youtube, where you publish your videos, is the second-largest search engine after Google. 

 Focusing on video marketing would help significantly maximize brand awareness on the internet.

● Start a blog

Blogging is the most effective way to increase search engine rankings. It’s the place to talk about your products and services. 

The blog provides a platform to interact with your customers. You can talk about topics related to your business.

Moreover, it develops a strong relationship with customers and influencers in the business. 

Check out why the blog is important to your business for more information. 

● Standardize your brand.

Your online presence must be in sync with your offline presence if you want to standardize your brand. 

Online presence provides a virtual feel, whereas offline presence provides a physical feel.

It would be helpful if you could match the feeling of both fields whenever possible. 

It would contribute to developing your reputation on the internet.

E.g., if you order something from Amazon, they deliver it to you, making you feel that you have received it from Amazon.

● Continue to evolve the brand.

Just focusing on online marketing would never help to make your brand stronger.

With every online marketing campaign you launch, your brand should evolve.

So, it would be best to analyze every marketing campaign launched online and see where you have reached.

It would be best if you took action. Don’t hesitate to do it because this is how your brand evolves.

● Be authentic in every marketing campaign.

Many people are spreading fake news today to grab people’s attention.

It is critical to think twice if you are doing such things to promote your brand. 

People love authentic and transparent news.

Don’t try to mislead people by providing made-up statements. It would rather harm your brand than strengthen it.


Online brand awareness is a long-term process that needs patience. Don’t expect immediate results.

You have to engage with your customers regularly and respond to them.

The more authentic and transparent you become, the easier to build brand knowledge.

With these brand awareness tips, you’ll be a superstar brand in no time.

Any bonus pieces of brand awareness advice you want to offer? Add your thoughts in the comments. 

And don’t forget to Contact Digital Marketing Nepal if you need any help to build brand awareness digitally.


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